Home / Leadership & Directors

Mr. Jaroszuk is an extremely dedicated and insightful entrepreneurial businessman.

Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board

Leonard D. Jaroszuk

Mr. O’Kell has been with Enterprise since its inception and has been a member of Enterprise’s board of directors since 2011.

President, Director

Desmond O’Kell

Mr. Cabral provides Enterprise with the necessary financial skill set to execute its business plan.

Chief Financial Officer

Warren Cabral, CPA, CA

Mr. Campbell is currently the Chairman of Triview Capital Ltd. A Canadian Exempt Market Dealer specializing in Private Equity investments Prior thereto, President & Founder of Camlin Asset Management Ltd. since 2004.

Lead Director

John Campbell, CPA, CA, CFA, CPA (Illinois)

After a distinguished 10 year career with Ernst & Young John Pinsent became a founding partner with St. Arnaud Pinsent Steman Chartered Accountants (“SPS”).


John Pinsent, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D.

Mr. Darling is the President and founder of Ramdar Resource Management Ltd. Since 1994 Ramdar has provided wellsite management to many of the most demanding global E&P clients, both onshore and offshore.


Neil Darling


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